Bariatric Surgery FAQ

Weight Gain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Weight Gain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery - Bariatric Fusion

Rapid weight loss is typically seen for about 6 months after surgery. Following the 6 months, weight loss will start to slow down. Some people who have suffered from obesity lose over 100 pounds in less than a year.

The average weight loss per week after a gastric sleeve is usually around 1-2 pounds and this continues for a couple of months.

This article will explain the difficulties you will face after gastric sleeve surgery. We will also talk about how you can avoid putting on weight after a gastric sleeve or bypass.

What This Article Covers:

How Likely are you to Gain Weight After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

If you are experiencing weight gain after bariatric surgery, it is typically seen 12 months to 18 months after surgery. Some individuals experience weight gain

Weight Gain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

due to a gastric fistula forming or simply because the wrong surgery was chosen. A majority of the time, weight gain is related to lack of healthy lifestyle.

The first year after bariatric surgery, many individuals will start to experience that they can tolerate a variety of food options. Sometimes, this can lead to increased eating and decreased exercise.

The average 5 year success rate after gastric sleeve surgery is 73%. So, 27% of gastric sleeve patients regain some weight after surgery.

Bear in mind, fertility can increase after bariatric surgery. Pregnancy can also be a reason you’re putting on weight. If you do become pregnant after gastric bypass or gastric sleeve you should be putting on some weight for a healthy pregnancy. See your bariatric surgeon and obstetrician for guidance on pregnancy after bariatric surgery.

How to Avoid Weight Gain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is only a tool for weight loss. It is important to stay consistent with your healthy lifestyle after surgery in order to maintain weight loss. Over time, eating behaviors can change as you are able to tolerate more food sources. Some eating habits that have been responsible for weight gain after bariatric surgery are binge eating, eating when full, continuously eating throughout the day, and eating fast food.

There are many factors to weight gain after bariatric surgery. We will look at four ways to minimize weight gain after bariatric surgery.

Remember Your Nutrition Plan

For long-term success, the goal is to eventually get you back to eating a regular diet, just in smaller portions. Eating nutrient-dense foods will provide adequate nutrition in order to maintain muscle mass and provide vitamins and minerals along with the support from your bariatric supplements.

When you lack protein, your body will break down fat and muscle for energy resulting in weight loss. However, we do not want muscle broken down. This will directly effect metabolism considering muscle is more metabolically active than fat, even at rest.

weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery

You may need to see your doctor and dietitian regularly for personalized advice and required blood work.

If you still find that you are constantly hungry, try the following:

  • Eat protein first. Protein keeps you satiated for a longer period of time. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, make sure you are consuming enough protein from a variety of sources, like tofu, quinoa, nuts and seeds.
  • Look for supplements formulated for weight-loss surgery patients. Other types of protein supplements may cause weight gain.
  • Don’t drink water with meals. Liquid takes up space that could be better filled with nutrient-dense foods. Wait at least 30 minutes after a meal to drink a beverage.
  • Take daily complete bariatric vitamins. Bariatric patients often struggle with high risk of vitamin and mineral deficiency. It is important to prevent roadblocks, like deficiency.

Learn Portion Control

Your stomach will expand to accommodate for the food that you consume. When you are continuously overeating, the stomach can stretch.

weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery

Practicing portion control can reduce stomach stretching. In order to properly portion foods, you should do the following:

  • Measure portions for every meal. Stick to the amounts of food your dietitian or doctor recommended. If you are struggling, have someone dish up for you.
  • Avoid distractions. Don’t work, watch TV, or do something else that distracts you from eating.
  • Eat slowly and chew thoroughly. It should take you around 30 minutes to finish a meal.
  • Have regular meals throughout the day. Don’t wait until you are starving. Otherwise, you can easily overeat.
  • You can find specialized bariatric cutlery that helps you eat slower. Check out a bariatric portion plate.

Start Exercising

Lack of exercise may also be to blame. A suitable bariatric exercise program can make a world of difference. Your healthcare provider will need to help you decide when it's safe to exercise after you've recovered.

weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery

If you are exercising, but still experiencing weight gain or a weight plateau, there is a reason for that. Your body can adapt to an exercise regimen and burn less calories.

In order to avoid this, increase the intensity and duration of your exercise routine. Include variety like resistance training, including push ups, lunges, and squats. It's also beneficial to add aerobic exercise, such as walking, hiking, biking or swimming.

Bariatric patients should generally do lighter exercise but for a longer duration. This just means exercise, like going for a walk for 30 minutes or more a few times a week.

Recognize the Real Problem

We all know that we should eat healthy. So, why not just do it? This is the question you need to honestly answer for yourself. What is really keeping me from changing my diet?

It’s not that you’re lazy, don’t care, or that you don’t know what you should eat. You truly want to lose weight and stay healthy. But for some reason, it hasn’t happened yet.

The real problem can be something deeper. It could be emotional and overeating is just a symptom of this struggle.

Food, sugar addictions and eating disorders are also health problems. Studies have found that eating disorders can be a genetic connection.

If you are struggling, it could be a combination of factors, such as genetics and emotional distress. In such a case, you will need social support. Try the following:

  • Find a qualified healthcare professional trained in helping individuals with eating disorders. A registered dietitian can also help to support you and guide you through your eating habits. They can help with accountability.
  • Utilize your bariatric resources. Search for bariatric support groups and speak with people who may be experiencing the same things you are. Some groups meet regularly to encourage one another.

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**This blog is for information and education purposes only. This information is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions in regards to a medical condition. A qualified healthcare professional can best assist you in deciding whether a dietary supplement is suitable based on your individual needs.

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